Secondhand Equipment
For several years now we have been assisting goatkeepers and smallholders as well as larger farmers with the sale and purchase of secondhand dairy and production equipment. We have expanded this service to a dedicated page and list here second hand items that are currently available. Some are located here at Goat Nutrition but most items are sited at the sellers premises.
(Please note this is an information page and GN are not responsible for the condition of the items sold and your contract is directly with the seller).
If you would like to sell any redundant equipment, contact
Butter Maker Asta 50L - 12 months old
£9,000 ono contact Mark - 07875461086
Milk Dispenser for sale £5495 + VAT
9 month old Brunimat Milk Dispenser for sale. It’s a Bi- fluid model so can dispense 2 different milks. Holds 2x 50L tanks. Have 4 tanks in total. Auto stop after fill. As good as new in full working order and still under warranty. No payment system on this model. Ideal for farm shop or where payment will be taken at till. Genuine reason for sale. Contact Caroline 07760262325
Sheep/Goat Milking Parlour for sale:

3000 ltr/hr HTST pasteuriser skid mounted with a Seital cream separator. Complete with control panel and recorder, hot water set and all ancillaries. See contact details and photos below:
Contact: David Eaton, Isle of kintyre ltd
07917 300546
Brand New 500L Pasteurising Cheese vat: Single lid, 3 cutting knives/stirrers, control panel, on wheels. Used a lot in the Netherlands by small cheese makers. 2 year guarantee on parts. Selling due to relocating abroad.
£14000 ono
Dairy Equipment for sale - see below list of detailed equipment with prices. Contact details are at bottom of the list.
Sheep Dairy Parlour for sale:
Bulk tank (Darikool) ice bank tank on stand, with condenser and brand new Cotswold bulk tank (full spec)
Parlour stand & head yoke
Bulk tank parlour pulsator, clusters x 10
- Jetter T, Pump on stainless steel receiver, parlour vacuum pump
- Water heater plus stand
- Electric boards & parlour board
Photos as below. Contact Kathryn on 07913930489 or
Tranter 64 plate heat exchanger. Suitable for both heating and cooling applications: again new, unused and in perfect condition throughout. £1600 + VAT. For further details, please contact Don Dennis on 01583-505400 or email