Diaphragm Canisters
If you want your product packaging - we are here to help!
These Diaphragm or Ring-pull top canister are the ideal presentation for a whole range of products and offers significant advantages over other forms of packaging. For a start, there is absolute product security - any form of tampering shows up clearly and the product remains hermetically sealed right up to the point of first usage. The plastic overcap allows the product to be re-sealed in use and is a tight enough fit to prevent contamination caused, for example, by access of moisture.
The canisters are very much lighter than tin-plate, simple to open and are well accepted throughout Europe. Many brand leaders are now packed using this form of presentation examples include a large range of dietary meal formulations on sale in the major chemist retail outlets as well as dairy and savoury products.
The canisters can be foil lined for added barrier protection and the seamed-on bases are available in both tinplate and aluminium varieties.
Direct labelling is a simple and effective way of giving a smart appearance to small runs, pilot batches, feasibility trials etc. and for larger quantities the canisters can be pre-printed. These modern containers can also be produced in a variety of heights right up to 225mm (8¾ inches) and have a diameter of approx. 100mm (4 inches).
Products that can be packed include horticultural and agricultural sundries, milk powders, pet and fish foods, herbal and nutritional supplements - the list is endless! Measuring scoops can be included and special overcaps, shaker tops or pourer spouts can be affixed if required.The finished products are normally batch-coded using our in-house label printing facility.
If you have a packaging problem - let us help. We offer a friendly personal service and can perform filling and stability trials so that we can make sure that your product will look extra special in the marketplace. Our rates are competitive and we have excellent storage and distribution systems available.